Reaching Up, Reaching In, Reaching Out
Children’s Ministry
Central has an active Children’s Ministry. We offer weekly Bible classes (Sunday and Wednesday), a staffed nursery during services (for kids 6 months to 24 months), Christ’s Kids (for kids age 2 - 1st grade) on Sunday nights, a spring Egg Hunt, a fall Trunk or Treat activity, an annual VBS in the summer and bi-monthly service opportunities and fun times (e.g. nursing home singing, Paper Prayers, game nights, back 2 school bash, movie nights, etc.). Through these ministries and events, we strive to keep our kids active and provide them with as many opportunities as possible to grow in Christ and develop a heart for God. We firmly believe in the words of Solomon found in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (NASB). Our goal is to help our kids grow in faith, and to help our families grow closer to one another. We have an age-appropriate curriculum for all age groups – from 6 months to 5th grade – to help our kids establish a firm foundation in God’s Word, upon which to build a faith that lasts a lifetime.
Joseph Burns is the deacon over our Children’s Ministry.