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Student Ministry

Central has a vibrant ministry to its students. The student ministry concentrates on ages 6th-12th grades. It is led by our Youth Minister, Luke Gay. This area at Central is one of the most active of all our ministries. Our youth have monthly devotionals together, do service projects, attend multiple youth rallies throughout the year, attend an in-country mission trip each year and a week of Bible camp. They are constantly busy doing great things and produce great leaders within our congregation.

Image by Oklahoma Academy Publishing

Student Ministry Mission Statement

The Central Church of Christ, under the guidance of our congregation’s Elders, will maintain a ministry for our youth and their friends that will help the saved ones continue to grow in Christ, and teach the others how to become a Christian and follow Christ. With God’s help, sound biblical teaching, and a variety of activities, we will preserve a safe and encouraging Christian environment for our young people and their friends. We also exist to help promote parent-teen involvement and help promote parent-teen relationships. Parents are encouraged to be heavily involved in youth activities and to be the primary means of spiritual guidance in their children’s lives. With strong parental involvement, our aim is to help facilitate spiritual growth in our youth as they assume their place as vital members of the church, serving alongside the adults as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Study group
Ice Cream Sunday's

The youth group gets together one Sunday night a month to fellowship and enjoy some ice cream!

Upper Room Hangouts

The Youth group gets together one Wednesday night a month before Bible class and plays games, eats, and fellowship together!

Exposure Youth Camp

Exposure is a youth group favorite! December 27-30 the CYM (Central Youth Ministry) heads to Huntsville, Alabama along with 3,000 other Christians to worship God together! Students have engaging spiritual challenge sessions, team time, and a lot of fun with friends every year.

Progressive Dinner

The youth group caravans around to 3 different homes of members within the Church and is provided soups & salads, appetizers, and a main course. They end the night off with desserts and a gift exchange at the church building!

Palmetto Bible Camp - 3rd Week

Bible camp is awesome and everyone knows it. PBC 3rd week at Palmetto Bible Camp is directed by our very own Jeremy Hinote and is one of the most spiritually engaging trips we take all year. A full week of Jesus, friends, and the outdoors!

PBC Spring Youth Rally

Every May the CYM goes to Palmetto Bible Camp for a weekend retreat with other youth groups from Camp. It is a little slice of Bible camp that we all love so much!


This is a youth rally that is held at Faulkner University each summer where we bond together through the Word and build relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ.

SOAR Youth Rally

"Seeking Our Awesome Redeemer." SOAR is a weekend youth rally that Central has hosted for 18 years and it is awesome!  We have over 650 middle and high school students come from all over the southeast to hear awesome lessons, breakout into small group classes, and have a lot of fun together! SOAR is held at a local high school and students stay in hotel rooms with their youth group, or in host homes provided by Central members.

Summer Lock-In

Each Summer the CYM has a lock-in from 9pm-7am. Some years we will spend all night at the church and others we will go to an adventure park in town!

Youth Led Worship Services

Each quarter our young men lead the Sunday pm worship service. They will lead songs, prayer, the Lord's Supper, and a few of them will give a short lesson. This has always been a great learning experience for them and an encouragement for our congregation!

Winter Retreat

In February the central youth ministry go on a spiritual weekend getaway to Camp Canaan in Rock Hill, South Carolina. It is a great weekend for our group to grow closer together and closer to God!


Each November the youth group has a Thanksgiving dinner and signing around a campfire. It truly is a moving event and a time to celebrate and give thanks to each other and most importantly our Lord!


3650 River Watch Pkwy, Martinez, GA 30907


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